Friday, November 9, 2007

Year of the Dog


Please check out this show if you're in the area. Amanda Moore is a Salt Lake Toy Cam club regular and she's an amazing photographer!
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Friday, November 2, 2007

November Meeting

When: Sunday, November 11 @ 2 PM
Where: Desert Edge Brewery at Trolley Square

Please bring photos you'd like to show or get critiqued.
Please bring ideas about putting together a toy camera show in Salt Lake.


See you there!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

World Toy Camera Day/Spiral Jetty Outing


Hi everyone! World Toy Camera Day on October 20 is fast approaching and I just wanted to let you all know what's up. We talked earlier about carpooling out to the Spiral Jetty but we hadn't settled on a time. Since we last talked, my husband and I have volunteered to host a family party at our home that night so I have to be home no later than 4 so I can get to cookin'.

I mentioned earlier that I am a morning person, so for those of you who are too, I'd like to meet at Einstein's on Harrison in Ogden by Weber State at 8 AM (!). We can grab breakfast and be on the road shortly thereafter. (EDIT: Meeting time was changed from 7 to 8.)

You are, of course, more than welcome to drive yourself up to the Jetty at any time that day, because for one, it's public domain and you can do whatever you want; and for two, I'm planning on being there till midafternoon so just look for the silver Subaru with two tall kayak racks. You can't miss it. There's a lot to see and shoot there, so please come at whatever time is convenient for you. I know 8 is early on a Saturday, especially if you have to drive from the SLC area, so I apologize for that.

I've been told for years that 4WD vehicles with high clearance are required on the road but I've taken my Outback out there with no trouble. There are lots of boulders and ruts, but it's completely passable. Wear shoes you don't care about, bring a drink or two and go to the bathroom at the Golden Spike visitor center. The Jetty is in the middle of nowhere! And according to USGS water data, the Jetty is not under water. Yippee!

Here are some links about the Jetty, including directions:
Geosights: Spiral Jetty
Robert Smithson's Spiral Jetty
The Spiral Jetty
USGS Water Data

Ok. Let me know if you plan on coming and if you plan on meeting at Einstein's. I hope you'll all at least plan on coming out at some point. It's World Toy Camera Day! Perhaps in November we could have a "Show off your Spiral Jetty Photos/WTCD/Holiday" get-together and then take a December hiatus.

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Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Next Meeting! June 24, Utah Arts Festival

When: Sunday June 24, 2 pm

Where: Utah Arts Festival!
OUTSIDE Main Library Entrance by the bike racks

How Much: Adult Admission: $8.00*
Children 12 and under: Free
Seniors (65+): $5.00
*Only $4/person if we can get 20 people! Major discount!!!

PLEASE RSVP by June 23 so I’ll know if we can get discounted admission. Visit our Flickr group and reply to the topic about this meeting, send me Flickr mail or if you know my e-mail address, shoot me a message there.

All are welcome! Bring your friends, spouses, kids, whatever and don’t forget your toys, film and any prints you’d like to share.

2007 Utah Arts Festival for more info and here's a map of the festival.

Let me know if you have any questions. Looking forward to seeing you all!

Oh, PS: This will be the last meeting until September. July and August we’re on hiatus.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Outing/Meeting Info

Need directions?

We'll meet at the entrance, but don't go in. If we have 12 people, we'll get a discount if we all pay together. (Thanks Jason, for the info!)

See you there!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Elitist Camera Club

Thought you'd all enjoy this!

Thanks to Aaron Johnson, creator of What the Duck, for letting me post this on our blog.

Friday, April 6, 2007

First Meeting!

Hope you all can make it!
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Thursday, April 5, 2007

Steph Parke's Local Color project

A little self-promotion... My Local Color project is hanging at Solstice Gallery & Framing at 355 E 3300 S in Salt Lake through April. The four images seen here are part of Local Color, a series of 17 images that was a featured project on FILE Magazine a few weeks ago.